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Gitcoin Grant Round 15

Gitcoin Grant Round 15

GG15 took place from September 7 to 22, 2022. The GCC Round was sponsored by Scroll and PlanckerDAO, who donated $50,000 in matching funds, supporting multiple projects including Chaineye, Soul Wallet, and WTF Academy.

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Gitcoin Grant Round 18

Gitcoin Grant Round 18

GG18 occurred from August 15 to 29, 2023, and featured 7 thematic donation pools. The GCC Round was independently initiated by the GCC Fund and sponsored with $25,000 in matching funds. It supported various projects, including DeSpace QF, Blocktrend, Feidi Bookstore, and viaPrize.

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Gitcoin Grant Round 19

Gitcoin Grant Round 19

GG19 took place from November 15 to 29, 2023. The GCC Round was sponsored by the GCC Fund, Mask Network, and Meta Pool, who jointly provided $30,000 in matching funds. Numerous projects were donated to, including Decert.me, Denglian Community, Metopia, and z2o-k7e.

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Gitcoin Beta Round

Gitcoin Beta Round

Beta Round was held from April 25 to May 9, 2023. It consisted of 10 thematic donation pools, with the GCC Round sponsored by Plancker DAO and Loopring, who provided $25,000 in matching funds to support open-source projects within the Chinese Ethereum ecosystem.

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