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Projects we donated

Total Amount: $ 416272

Adventure X

Adventure X

AdventureX is dedicated to hosting China’s first true hackathon alongside 'contemporary hippies' from around the world, aiming to reshape the spirit of young creators and encourage them to boldly pursue the path of innovation. Their hackathon in mid-July 2024 attracted over 1,200 high school and university students, with 200 participants. During three days, they developed and created more than 50 products from scratch.

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DeFiHackLabs community was established in October 2022, dedicated to enhancing blockchain security ecosystems and talent development. DeFiHackLabs focuses on smart contract security, on-chain monitoring, user asset safety, anti-money laundering, CTF (Capture The Flag) competitions, emergency incident response, and rescue operations.

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ETH Denver Travel Scholarship

ETH Denver Travel Scholarship

ETH Denver is an annual high-profile conference in the ETH ecosystem. It is a significant event which connects blockchain innovators and developers worldwide. To support more Chinese-speaking developers in entering this cutting-edge global stage, GCC will continue Travel Scholarship Program.

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Devconnect Travel Scholarship

Devconnect Travel Scholarship

GCC, in collaboration with various communities and media, launched a free ticket initiative, sponsored 10 tickets for outstanding builders from the Chinese-speaking region to attend DevConnect in November 2023.

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Funding The Commons

Funding The Commons

We are individuals and organizations building new models of sustainable public goods funding and value alignment in open source networks. Our goal with Funding the Commons is to bridge the public goods community across Web2, Web3, research, philanthropy and industry.

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'GeekWeb3' is an open-source and non-profit technology media and community. We focus on the Bitcoin/Ethereum ecosystem and strive to become a PR channel for high-quality projects.

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Gitcoin Grant Round 15

Gitcoin Grant Round 15

GG15 took place from September 7 to 22, 2022. The GCC Round was sponsored by Scroll and PlanckerDAO, who donated $50,000 in matching funds, supporting multiple projects including Chaineye, Soul Wallet, and WTF Academy.

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Gitcoin Grant Round 18

Gitcoin Grant Round 18

GG18 occurred from August 15 to 29, 2023, and featured 7 thematic donation pools. The GCC Round was independently initiated by the GCC Fund and sponsored with $25,000 in matching funds. It supported various projects, including DeSpace QF, Blocktrend, Feidi Bookstore, and viaPrize.

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Gitcoin Grant Round 19

Gitcoin Grant Round 19

GG19 took place from November 15 to 29, 2023. The GCC Round was sponsored by the GCC Fund, Mask Network, and Meta Pool, who jointly provided $30,000 in matching funds. Numerous projects were donated to, including Decert.me, Denglian Community, Metopia, and z2o-k7e.

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Gitcoin Beta Round

Gitcoin Beta Round

Beta Round was held from April 25 to May 9, 2023. It consisted of 10 thematic donation pools, with the GCC Round sponsored by Plancker DAO and Loopring, who provided $25,000 in matching funds to support open-source projects within the Chinese Ethereum ecosystem.

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